This website "Cambodian Law" is a small contribution of the access to laws and regulations of Cambodia and hope it can help interested people getting more understanding of the existing laws and regulations, including policy and strategy of the government of Cambodia. most of the information is refer to the link of other website. I would like to sincerely thank for all valuable website where i linked to for allow me to do so for Cambodian people and other interested people.

Friday, February 23, 2007

MPM/MGPP Summer Excursion 2006 – Governing Europe – September 18 through 22, 2006 Brussels, Belgium

This is our Excursion in Brussels, Belgium during Summer time. Our Program organized an excursion to Brussels for one week in order to make students familiar with the unique supranational institution in Europe, the European Union. Participants will be provided with first-hand information about the work of diverse European institutions in Brussels, e.g. the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament. The program will be completed by visits at representations of Brandenburg and lobby organizations. The primary focus is to equip students with a basic understanding of the machinery of European governance, as well as current discussions on European Politics, for example environmental policy.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Winter Party

Party! Party! It is very happy!

After the exam of our second semester, our group organized a lovely party in my flat. All mpm students took part in this party. We had food and danced together. It's very happy. Everybody is smile.

Hello everybody!

Welcome to the Master of Public Management 2006-2007 (MPM) !!!

MPM is a post gratuate program sponsored by INWENT for developing country in the field of public management. The students are coming from the midcareer in the public sector in developing country. In 2006-2007, the participants in this program are coming from Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Palestine, Mongolia, Pakistan, Namibia, Rwanda, Ghana, Ethiopia, Zambia, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru.