New documents added:
A Human Rights Approach to Development: Primer for Development Workersby Amparo Tomas (UNDP, 2005). Language(s): English. guide, development workers, human rights-based approach (HRBA) to programming, right to development, sustainable development.
URL: *
Evaluation of Human Rights Courses 1995-1999by Anette Faye Jacobsen (Copenhagen: The Danish Centre for Human Rights, 2000). Language(s): English. Keywords: evaluation, training of professional groups, national human rights institutions, research & evaluation, Denmark.
URL: *
Handbook on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Armed Forces Personnel by Hans Born and Ian Leigh (Warsaw: OSCE/ODIHR and DCIF, 2007). Language(s): English. Keywords: handbook, reference, armed forces, training of professional groups, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
URL: *
Human Rights and Business Learning Tool (Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, The Global Compact, United Nations System Staff College, 2008).
Language(s): English. Keywords: on-line course, companies, employers, corporate social responsibility, spheres of influence, The Global Compact, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). URL: *
Human Rights Training for Adults: What Twenty-six Evaluation Studies Say About Design, Implementation and Follow-Up by Katharine Teleki (Cambridge: HREA, 2007). Language(s): English. Keywords: good practices, lessons learned, research study, NGO staff, trainers, non-formal education, pre-service training, training of professional groups, adult education, evaluation, human rights education, research & evaluation, Canada, Costa Rica, Georgia, India, Italy, Malta, Nepal, Northern Ireland, Peru, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, USA, Vietnam. URL: *
Learning to live together. Design, monitoring and evaluation of education for life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights by Margaret Sinclair in collaboration with Lynn Davies, Anna Obura and Felisa Tibbitts (Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 2008). Language(s): English. Keywords: guide, policy makers, school administrators, formal education, primary school, secondary school, citizenship education, curriculum development, peace education, text development, tolerance education, human rights education, peace, research & evaluation, UNESCO. URL: *
Review of Human Rights Education and Training by J.Reilly and U.Niens (Ulster: UNESCO Centre/School of Education/University of Ulster, 2005). Language(s): English. Keywords: research study, formal education, higher education, training of professional groups, human rights education, national human rights institutions, Northern Ireland. URL: *
Rights in practice - assessing the impact of rights-based training in Uganda by Pamela Ashanut Okille (London/New York: Zed Books, 2005). Language(s): English. Keywords: evaluation, human rights-based approach (HRBA) to programming, research & evaluation, right to development, Uganda. URL: *
Rights Respect and Responsibility. Report on the Hampshire County Initiative by Katherine Covell & R. Brian Howe (Children’s Rights Centre/Cape Breton University, 2007). Language(s): English. Keywords: evaluation, report, formal education, primary school, secondary school, human rights education, research & evaluation, United Kingdom. URL: ## CALENDAR: ## New courses added:
9th Human Rights Summer School Date: 18-30 December 2008 Level: graduate Focus: A two-week intensive residential training workshop on human rights and advocacy skills for advanced law students. Location: Dhaka (Bangladesh) Deadline of application: - Organisation: Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) URL: *
Human Rights for Local Government Date: 16 October 2008 Level: professional Focus: From 1 January 2008, the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities requires organisations that provide public services on behalf of government to deliver their services and make decisions in ways that respect human rights. This workshop provides a introduction to key human rights concepts and the operation of the Charter; outlines obligations on local government as public authorities; identifies strategies to integrate human rights into the culture values and leadership of your organisation; and examines legal and non-legal advocacy opportunities contained within the Charter. Location: Melbourne (Australia) Deadline of application: - Organisation: Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission URL: *
Human Rights Litigation Date: 4 February-14 April 2009 Level: professional Focus: This distance learning course provides participants with knowledge of the concept, types, venues and strategies of human rights litigation. It focuses on strategic litigation and legal aid both internationally and domestically, and explores a variety of strategies: issue or group oriented litigation, community based services, legal clinics, NGO or law firm resourced actions and others. Participants are familiarised with court-ordered structural relief, as well as with conventional victim-centered legal remedies. Location: Internet (e-learning course) Deadline of application: 1 December 2008 Organisation: HREA URL: *
International Human Rights - Basic Course Date: 24 November-5 December 2008 Level: professional Focus: Objective of this course is to provide participants with basic knowledge of human rights that will enable them to integrate human rights principles, standards, and approaches into their daily work; and to enable participants to form networks with like-minded professionals so as to benefit from each others experiences and perspectives. Location: Copenhagen (Denmark) Deadline of application: - Organisation: Danish Institute for Human Rights URL: *
International Tribunals, World Courts and Human Rights Date: 2 February-12 April 2009 Level: (under)graduate, post-graduate, professional Focus: This distance learning course explores the multitude of international courts and tribunals which have been set up – since the Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals after World War II – to adjudicate on human rights in the broadest sense, including violations of the law of armed conflict and international criminal law. It provides information and case studies on the working of such courts, from the International Court of Justice to ad hoc and hybrid criminal tribunals and from the regional human rights courts to the International Criminal Court. Location: Internet (e-learning course) Deadline of application: 1 December 2008 Organisation: HREA URL: *
Medicine and Human Rights In Cross-cultural Perspective Date: 19-31 January 2009 Level: (post-)graduate, professional Focus: This two-week summer course offers participants a multi-disciplinary perspective on a variety of issues in the field of medicine and human rights. Participants will discuss experiences of human rights abuses in different cultures, and ‘the righteousness of medical care’ in situations of conflict and reconciliation, asylum and extradition. Location: Leiden (The Netherlands) Deadline of application: 1 October 2008 Organisation: Amsterdam Master's in Medical Anthropology (AMMA) URL: *
The European Union and Human Rights Date: 2 February-12 April 2009 Level: (under)graduate, post-graduate, professional Focus: This course is an introduction to human rights in the European Union (EU)'s external relations. It seeks to provide fundamental information on the EU's human rights law and policy, explore the critique levelled against the EU and shed light on the legal and political conditions under which the EU seeks to protect and promote human rights globally. Location: Internet (e-learning course) Deadline of application: 1 December 2008 Organisation: HREA URL: *
University for Peace Institute Date: 12-30 January 2009 Level: (post-)graduate, professional Focus: The University for Peace Institute consists of three-week short courses that will be given in different areas such as Media and Peace, Leadership, Culture, Politics, Conflict and Peace, War and film, Gender, Environment, Law, Development, among others. Location: San José (Costa Rica) Deadline of application: 31 October 2008 Organisation: University for Peace URL: you want more infomration, please see